Accounting Procedures

美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ prəˈsidʒərz]英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ prəˈsiːdʒəz]
  • 网络会计程序;会计手续;会计流程
Accounting ProceduresAccounting Procedures
  1. Among the above accounting procedures , we just introduce the following basic issues .


  2. This is not a criticism of accounting procedures .


  3. It 's about the changes in the accounting procedures .


  4. Effects of Traditional Accounting Procedures and the Quality of Accounting Information in Price Fluctuations


  5. If there is only one processing department , the cost accounting procedures are simple .


  6. Other transactions that are subject to accounting procedures and to accounting .


  7. To master general and analytical accounting procedures .


  8. The context also describes the bank business , operation process , relative regulations , and accounting procedures .


  9. Accounting procedures for typical derivative financial tools


  10. Part of what was discussed was the company 's governance practices and accounting procedures , he said .


  11. Safeguarding the accuracy , transparency , and legitimacy of Accounting procedures .


  12. For best results , the management AT all levels of the organizATion should be given some training in accounting procedures .


  13. Handle void checks in accordance with accounting procedures .


  14. 2008 summer school business simulation training for15 days , computers , the complete set of manual accounting procedures .


  15. I mean , answering those difficult questions on accounting procedures when it 's not really your field at all ...


  16. An assistant accountant was appointed to take charge of the Financial Accounting procedures and the Chief Accountant concentrated on the Management Accounts .


  17. The existing budget units accounting procedures are no longer consistent with the path of the financial resources , the budget accounting methods need to be adjusted .


  18. For example , under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act , chief executives must attest that their organisations have followed extremely detailed accounting procedures .


  19. Do you think the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in the US and other such accounting procedures forcing companies to write down losses are more responsible for current problems than anything else ?


  20. This article analyses such problems as determining , drawing and writing-off of doubtful accounts and gives a detailed illustration about its accounting procedures and its practical importances .


  21. This part introduces the main concepts of the activity-based costing and activity cost accounting procedures . The theory of cost control mainly introduces the whole process of cost control theory and dual-based cost control concept .


  22. On May 16th , 2005 the Ministry of Finance issued the " Provisions of Accounting Procedures for Pilot Projects of Credit Assets Securitization ", which makes detailed provisions on the accounting procedures of the transaction structure participators .


  23. The company that comes out of the examiner 's nine volumes is an organisation prepared to take short cuts and huge risks to boost earnings , where control and accounting procedures were found to be sorely lacking .


  24. The thesis starts with the information disclosed in the stock market in the technology industry to inflect the statue of the intangible assets and the real condition of the accounting procedures of the intangible assets in the high-tech enterprise .


  25. Goodwill is a special kind of intangible assets and its various features determine that it should not be amortized . The change in accounting procedures for goodwill in American and international accounting standards is the regression to its intrinsic accounting quality .


  26. Discusses some factors in traditional accounting procedures such as the assumption of an unchanging currency , value expression of non currency assets and the proportional principle of current revenue and original cost , which affect the quality of accounting information in price fluctuations .


  27. Comparison of the Accounting Recording Procedures Under the Two Systems of Inventory Accounting


  28. The accounting recording procedures are different under the periodic inventory system and the perpetual inventory system .


  29. After an analysis of setting purchase accounts of materials in the past , points out its weaknesses in accounting transaction procedures .


  30. Including ecosystem services and the value of an overview of land consolidation planning environmental impact assessment in the application of ecosystem services value of the significance of accounting and procedures .
